ShellExView 2.01

ShellExView 2.01

Free Incredibly useful tool for managing the shell extensions installed on your system
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award

ShellExView is an incredibly useful tool for managing the shell extensions installed on your system. It provides detailed information about each extension, allowing you to quickly identify and disable any that might be causing problems. The interface is straightforward and easy to use, making it a great choice for anyone looking to take control of their system and reduce the risk of crashes. Highly recommended!

ShellExView is a software program that offers users the means to access and manage the details of shell extensions that are installed on their systems. Thus, they can toggle the status of particular functions, add new ones or just rename them, all with just a few mouse clicks.

The program installation goes seamlessly and can be completed by even the most inexperienced computer user. Once this step has been completed, the users discover a very basic GUI, that resembles the ones from Windows XP OS, with small and poorly designed menu icons and no customizable options. The only noticeable pro of the interface is its responsivity to user commands.

When it comes to its capabilities, ShellExView can display the details of shell extensions and allow users to enable or disable each shell extension. Another useful function of this software is that it can be used for solving context-menu problems in Explorer environment.

To summarize, ShellExView is an application that comes in handy when you need to manage shell extension. It's not suited for novice users, which may find the software too tricky to use and quite useless. However, experienced users and professionals will find it very useful.

JS Senior editor
John Saunders
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Review summary


  • Displays the details of shell extensions
  • Solves context-menu issues
  • Offers good response time to user actions


  • Seems tricky to use
  • Has small menu icons
  • Has no kind of theme customizations

Comments (1)


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helped me fix a couple bugs in vista

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